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Resume Builder UX and UI for Tablet

Strip Mall Dining Club

Strip Mall Dining Club was founded on the premise that the best restaurants are not always those that are represented by $$$$ on Google reviews, or white linen tablecloths, but the family-owned businesses found in strip malls that cook meals passed down from generation to generation.


Release Date:
April 1, 2019

Strip Mall Dining Club brand believes no one should eat bad matter where in the world you may live or be traveling. We had to create a strategy, brand identity, and package design for the launch of this brand + blog.

We designed and developed the brand identity, which is centralized on the use of warm bold reds hues which are psychologically known to stimulate the appetite, and created 4 unique logo marks which represent different types of food (Chopsticks, Fork, Spoon, and Kebab.)

The photography selection contains warm hues with a bold pops of color, friends gathering, and connecting over wonderful food of all different ethnicities from Indian to Chinese, Persian, American and more!

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We designed the website and blog to allow users to create and account and add the best restaurants from their local cities, creating user generated content that would also allow collaboration and connection.

The social media channels were designed to be nothing short of colorful and impactful, pulling in brand photography, colors, and the 4 unique logo marks (Chopsticks, Fork, Spoon, and Kebab.) become story icons to represent the different types of cuisine.

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