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Resume Builder UX and UI for Tablet


LiveCareer is an employer branding and job advertising platform designed to help businesses find, recruit, attract and hire quality talent faster. They combine intelligent targeting with user-friendly design and curated content to empower companies to boost their brand and create clear, compelling job ads. They also provide users with tools to enable their career journey through resume and cover letter building, interviewing and negotiation content, salary calculator and much more.

Release Date:
July 1, 2019

LiveCareer was struggling to scale its digital presence, so LiveCareer turned to PUNCHY to help them create a number of new custom responsive web properties. 

PUNCHY evaluated large components and various interactions to the main site, the industry landing pages, marketing infographics, and marketing campaigns including a student contest to promote the LiveCareer product. Also, we detected some issues with the UI and UX. Later, through constant testing, we found the right ideas for the full redesign of the site and landing page.

Various marketing pages were designed and developed to introduce the product to a wide audience of users and establish a relationship in their career development journey. Information was designed to be part of a unique and responsive desktop and mobile landing page experience, which contained its own sub-menu.

"Having PUNCHY's collaboration helped us approach this design with a more dynamic solution, as the unique result presented the content loaded landing page with a highly custom layout and visuals."

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Additionally, we created numerous infographics, ebooks, social graphics and and emails relating to key job search and career development information. These were created as key downloadable content pieces, gated on the site. They served to be quite successful in driving new signups at the start of the customer journey.

We also created a series of custom illustrations to support a campaign to inform people on how to dress for an interview.

Livecareer also owned many microsites, including one for their Education Oppurtunties, which PUNCHY redesigned to create a unique look and feel while still maintaining the LiveCareer overarching brand personality.

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