The about us page is usually shocking in a positive or negative way. Many people don't know how to deal with this page because they haven't understood that it is a small window for their users to know them.
It seems logical that the about us page aims to show the future client basic things like who you are and what solutions you can provide. In the end, people want quick and concrete solutions when they know more about you.
People want to feel important when they read it; they want to identify with your brand and gain trust in your website to hire your services or buy your products. In fact, 52% of users state that the first thing they want to check when they land on a website is the About Us page and 46% of users based their decisions on the credibility of your website. So, having a good about us page is fundamental for successfully promoting your content.
What is the about page?
The about us page is the section of a website that summarizes in a descriptive way how the business was born, who is the responsible team and, above all, explains the mission, vision and values of the business.
Writing about yourself on the web means being honest with your audience and letting them know what motivates you, what you hope to achieve, how you will achieve it and how they will benefit from it.
Focusing on specific goals, such as why your business is in the market, its history, and how it works. This is a good start to creating an about us page that hits the nail on the head.
The about us page is usually popular and if you think about it, it makes sense. Whether it's a B2B or B2C relationship when you make a purchase or hire a service, you’d like to know who you're buying from and where your money is going; and a good website should generate trust, reliability and help to close sales.
Indeed, an informative website is the first contact that users will have with the team and it is an opportunity to put a face to your brand and break the distance with the cold screen that separates you from customers.
What makes an about page effective?
An about page is effective when it’s useful and its content is attractive. You achieve this by giving some basic information about you, like your education or who you are, but without falling into a long story of your whole life. Also, you must make enjoyable and easy-to-read content that inspires trust in your brand. This is the best marketing tool you can use.
How to write an about page?
1. Tell a Story
Who doesn't get caught up in a well-told story? Have you ever lost track of time in a story you can relate to? Start your content by pointing at your readers and challenging them, so that they feel part of the business from the beginning.
All you have to do is start telling a good story that will appeal to your readers or potential customers, how? Easy, by putting yourself in the place of your clients and their interests, so that when they read your story, you manage to capture their attention and they cannot stop knowing more about you or the product you’re offering them.
When writing your story, you must have a personal style, in which you tell a story about yourself or the company you are part of. By telling a good story, you will make the about us page engaging. For example:
- Why the name of your company or project.
- What was the inspiration for the logo or colors?
- Anecdotes of the beginnings of the company.
- How did you meet your partners?
- Things about the company managers that are curious, where they live, hobbies, etc.
2. Impact with your tone
Words have power and writing is one of the most versatile ways to convey information, so the tone you use is what will make the difference. A good about us page design is professional enough and it will make your audience feel that you're the right choice and will do what you promise, but without being boring or having a formal language. Be bold enough to choose attractive phrases that can bring a smile to your audience's face from time to time, but without being colloquial or unethical.
And you must maintain the same language and style in the whole website. This way, your readers will feel "in the same tune" and they will understand that you are what they need. So, you must consider the type of audience you are talking to, their tastes, preferences and needs.
3. Show them why you’re good
Talk about your experience, the advantages and benefits you can offer to your clients. Show them why you are a good choice in the marketplace, what makes you different from the rest and why they should trust your business.
The best way to do this is by showing your portfolio. Photographers, designers and writers always show their work; and clients expect to see samples of your work. Highlighting your virtues is easy if you do it without being presumptuous. You should write about yourself with enthusiasm and honesty on your website.
Tell your readers what you're offering, why you take such great care of your products, and what your commitment is to providing quality service. These are the main virtues that will help you gain authority among the public.
4. Humanize yourself
You must always demonstrate your sensitivity, knowing how to express what they feel, with your own words, sending a message to show your human side and expose your personal qualities in a close and direct language. Add photos of the day to day of the company and the challenges you went through to get where you are.
If you want to engage your customers, treat each one of them as if they were your only priority; this section is a good opportunity to establish a personal link with the public and share information, anecdotes or interesting data that makes them feel part of the business. If you manage to make them feel that they have preferential treatment and you remind them that behind the screen is a group of people just like them, working hard to solve their problems, they will give you a chance.
So, when creating this section, avoid sounding like a robot. The idea is that the content invites interaction and makes it as personal as possible for the reader.
Let the public know where you are. Since the purpose of the about us page is to let them know about you and your business, leaving information about where your business offices operate is essential if you want readers to connect with you and give you their trust.
Although we live in an 'all online' world, people feel more confident in a business if they can associate it with a physical site or city. This is very important, especially if you’re starting a new business.
5. Authenticity first
How to achieve this? Consider what emotions you would like your readers to experience when reading your page and convey this through the honesty and values that drive your business. If you’re faithful to what you believe and do, you will achieve quick acceptance in your target audience. What moves you? What values are non-negotiable for you and your business? Tell the world! If you allocate money from your sales to a specific campaign, talk about it; if you believe that excellence at work is your life's engine, then take the opportunity to focus on it.
6. Tell them about the team that accompanies you
The about page is not only about yourself. In fact, you have a whole team behind you that supports you. That's why, in this section, you should incorporate details about the team that is with you or the people that are part of your company. Don't think selfishly. Your readers want to see that if you work with others and if you take them into account.
7. Includes multimedia elements
If you think that your about page is full of text and those who read it might feel a little overwhelmed, what you can do is incorporate multimedia elements such as videos, photos, magazines, newspaper articles, audios, etc. Indeed, 32% of marketers think that visuals are the most important part of making engaging content.
So, for a good portion of content creators, a picture is worth a thousand words; and when you’re writing an about us page, images and other audio-visual resources come to support you. A video or an image gallery makes your website more enjoyable and attractive.
8. Show your readers the next step
All this effort to create a wonderful about us page that turns readers into buyers should include call to actions (CTAs)... And to do this, you must show them what the next step is. It's not about them reading your story and leaving your website, but about them staying committed and making their first purchase. So, let them know what to do next and ensure they will stay with you.
9. Include a subscription form
Including a subscription form is an excellent way to measure your readers' commitment. Actually, If you did a good job writing your content, readers will happily subscribe to your blog. So, including an email registration form at the bottom of the about us page is a good idea because you are expanding your horizons in terms of potential customers.
10. Keep the page updated and make improvements
Who gets perfection on the first try? No one! Getting good results with the about us section can take time, and it's not a mission for the impatient. If you have valuable new members on your team, if you created new products, if you changed the raw material, if you expanded into new countries, etc; it's time to include all of this on the page and to remove what is no longer innovative and interesting.
Our best advice is to test your website and check its statistics to know the volume of traffic. Add more images or visual resources, make sure it works correctly on all devices and evaluate if the public is happy with it. The more real the About Us page, the more confidence it will convey.
Actions speak louder than words!
Show yourself as you are. Although many people don’t know how to write an About Us page, no one escapes this task as it is an important part of your online business; this section should reflect what you are and it will succeed only when you make it as real as possible.
Just see this page as a little window to express yourself – and do it in the most natural, honest and authentic way you can. You don't have to suppress your emotions. You have the opportunity to forge a link with the readers as you tell them what you are passionate about and what is the story behind your website. We are in a world where storytelling wins millions of likes and transcends borders, so let them know yours.
Lack of inspiration? Check out this article. But, if you need further help, Reach out to us today and we’ll help you with your about page!